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. proginn.com —— 程序员自由工作平台,适合有资质开发者。
求大神帮我写下这个C语言程序 把源代码回复给我 谢谢了!
/* determine the amount of the change
change = (paid - check) * ;
determine the number of dollars in the change
dollars = change / ;
(1). Using the previous statements as a starting point, write a C program
that calculates the number of dollar bills( cents), quarters coins(
cents), dimes coins ( cents), nickels coins (5 cents), and pennies coins (1
cents) in the change when $ is used to pay a bill of $6..
(2) Using the C program to calculate the change when a check of $.
is paid using a $ bill.
#include "stdio.h"
void getChange(int paid, float bill)
if (paid < bill)
printf("Your money cant paid for the bill!\n");
int remain;
int dollor = 0,quarter = 0,dime = 0,nickel = 0,penny = 0;
remain = (paid* - bill*)+0.5;
dollor = remain/;
printf("Change Dollors: %d\n",dollor);
remain -= dollor*;
quarter = remain/;
printf("Change Quarters: %d\n",quarter);
remain -= quarter*;
dime = remain/;
printf("Change Dimes: %d\n",dime);
remain -= dime*;
nickel = remain/5;
printf("Change Nickels: %d\n",nickel);
remain -=nickel*5;
penny = remain;
printf("Change Pennys: %d\n",penny);
printf("Change finished!\n");
void main()
int paid;
float bill;
printf("Please input your Paid($):");
printf("Please input your Bill($):");
printf("Your change is: \n");
getChange(paid, bill);
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