1.哪位大哥能给我一个基于IDEA算法的源码奇迹mu 103h源码c或者c++的软件以及源代码啊
c++ code
// Project: Implementation of IDEA (International
// Data Encryption Algorithm)
// ECE Term Project
// Winter
// Author: Irwin Yoon
// Overview: This code does the following:
// - print out all encryption and
// decryption subkeys which are used
// in the encryption and decryption
// process
// - encrypts plaintext message
// - decrypts ciphertext message
// - shows detailed, round by round results
// (8 total)
// Program contains a user driven menu where the user can select
// initial -bit key and also select messages to decrypt
// and encrypt.
// Compiling: This has been verified to work on SunOS
// with g++ compiler (flop.engr.orst.edu).
// To Compile: g++ Idea.cpp -o Idea.exe
// Note: This code is a little sloppy. Coding could
// be made more efficient.
// Usage: Run executable with no arguments: Idea.exe
// Then select appropriate menu options
// main() is at the bottom of file!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#define NUMROUNDS 8
// I had problems if we use #define with
// these nums. Problem arose when taking
// mod of this number
unsigned int TWOPOWER = ;
unsigned int TWOPOWER = ;
unsigned int inputsize;
// all the subkey information
unsigned short esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS];
unsigned short dsubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS];
unsigned int origkeyint[4];
unsigned char origkeychar[];
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